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注意: 日本のストリーマーは「Trombone Champ」のどのバージョンでもストリーミングできます。 許可を得る必要はありません。 どうもありがとうございます!

Wow! Thank you for wanting to contact us... That's so nice of you!

If you're here because you want to report a bug or problem with the game, please check the Support page first!

Otherwise, our primary email address is holywowstudios@gmail.com.

(If you try to email us directly: we get LOTS emails per day from scammers asking for Steam keys. Please title your email in a way that makes it clear that you're not a scammer asking for a Steam key.)

We also respond to direct messages on Instagram or Google Chat. We used to respond to direct messages on Twitter, but recent changes to the platform has made that more difficult.

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